MSD 82428 Blaster Coil-on-Plug Review

MSD 82428 Blaster Coil-on-Plug
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I installed these ignition coils on my 2002 Grand Marquis a week ago. The engine runs much smoother than with stock coils. Supposedly it will also improve my fuel economy, although if I was concerned about fuel economy I would not be driving a vehicle with the Ford modular eight. I can't tell if the coils enhanced the car's performance, but they certainly have caused a silkier acceleration befitting my land yacht. These coils deliver power with greater consistency than stock coils.
This Mercury is the first car I've owned with COP ignition technology, and I originally found the prospect of replacing the coils and spark plugs daunting. (I am just an at-home garage mechanic.) It was much easier than expected--not a whole lot harder than replacing the wires on a car with a more traditional ignition system.
It is not necessary to remove the fuel rail although the clearance between the tops of the coils and the rail is small. Once the 7 millimeter bolt that holds the coils down is removed, it as easy as a twist and a pull to remove the old coils. To get at the spark plugs, you'll require an extension bar between the ratchet and the 5/8th inch spark plug socket because the plugs are deep into the engine's head. When replacing the plugs, be extra careful with the aluminum engine head. The new coils snap right on and screw into place with minimal hassle. The wiring is completely compatible, no modifications is necessary. The only component of the engine I needed to remove to get at all eight plugs was the plastic vanity cover (of course) and the plenum leading from the air filter to the throttle body. The job took me three and a half hours, and I took my time. I hardly qualify as an ASE-certified mechanic, so I'd call the difficulty of this job a 3 on a scale of 1 to 10 (Key: 1=oil change, 10=rebuilding an automatic transmission).

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